Tuesday, 20 October 2009

The Stag Beetle aka Tarroo-Deyll or Devils Coach Horse (Human faced back with beard and horns)

The devil's coach-horse beetle -

Ancient Egyptian Beetle Worship

There are no shortages of sources online or in book form, to confirm that the Egyptians were Devout worshipers of the Sacred Scarab Beetle.Here we shall ask a number of questions regarding the worship of this strange insect, the cults that developed from the worship, as well as, their origins and possible present day existence.

Why worship the beetle?

The Egyptians observed the beetle rolling it's egg ball along the ground, and the ball was identified with the sun and the beetle with the god Khepri who pushed the ball of the sun across the sky.
The Scarab Beetle was also symbolic for rejuvenation, death and rebirth. This is due to the fact that the beetle plays a crucial role in agriculture, as shown in the following paragraph from http://texasnature.blogspot.com/2003/06/why-everyone-should-love-dung-beetles.html

"Researchers have discovered that dung beetles will bury a ton of wet manure per acre per day and remove 90 percent of the surface material... A horse pad can disappear underground in 24 hours, leaving only a soft fluffy layer of undigested plant material."

Therefore the dung beetle would deserve an elevated position of extreme importance in times of Agricultural hardships, eg. for land rejuvenation, when fields have suffered severe damage due to floods, deluges or other catastrophic disasters.

***Dung beetles are also moon navigators***

So where did beetle worship originate?

"The worship of the beetle was, however, far older than that of Ra in Egypt and it is pretty certain that the identification of Ra with the Beetle-God is only another example of the means adopted by the priests, who grafted new religious opinions and beliefs upon old ones."

Taken from........Gods of the Egyptians Part 1 E.A. Wallis Budge


" In the next chamber to the King's Coffins they found a golden shrine. In one cartouche the glyphs read 'RE HPRW NEB' which means GOD OF ALL HEBREWS. RE is shown with the Sun Disk glyph, and NEB - a Bowl glyph - can mean either 'Lord' or 'All'. If it precedes the noun then it means 'Lord', but when it follows the noun as it does in this case then it means 'All'. The sign for the word HEPRW is a Scarab, or Beetle, and its meaning was 'Resurrection' or 'Coming Into Existence'. The glyph is followed by three strokes indicating the plural. Thus we can regard any Ancient Egyptian who believed in the Resurrection of the Living God, as a Hebrew. In the main they were the Semite population of Lower Egypt. In the late 4th Century CE, St.Ambrose referred many times to Jesus as 'THE GOOD SCARABAEUS'. So here we have a direct link between Jesus and King Tutankhamen. The Constellation of Cancer was seen by Egyptians not only as a Crab, but also as a Beetle, and so this was the Crib of the Holy Child."

How much influence did Beetle worship have globally?

Beetles appear in almost all the worlds mythologies, for example,

(The Devil's Coach Horses is a 1925 essay by J.R.R.Tolkien http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
http://res.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/I/3/331.pdf )

*"The Stag Beetle or Tarroo-Deyll - That the first part of the name in the Isle of Man should have taken the form of " tarroo " and be understood to mean " bull " is not surprising, for there is everywhere a persistent association in folk-lore of horned beasts with beetles. Taurus, for example, is Pliny's name for scarabaeus terrester, and Grimm collected many other names of the same kind, including the significant Swedish " horntroll." In both Germany and France a beetle is a stag-" hirsch " and " cerf volant." The Lapps say that the sexton or dung beetle which entomologists call silpha lapponica is descended from the reindeer."

A few examples of the Sacred Stag Beetle in Mythology......

*"No reptile has been so much abhorred or dreaded by the peasantry of Ireland, as it is popularly believed that it betrayed to the Jews the way the Lord went when they were in search of him."

(1) *"Of the stag-beetle Grimm in the supplementary volume of Teutonic Mythology says: "in the Hartz they wrap him up in moss, letting the horns stick out, and strike at him blindfold, one after the other, as elsewhere at the cock; whoever hits him takes him." Grimm does not specify the kind of moss used ; is it the staghorn moss ? Not only would that be appropriate, but it would form yet another link between the beetle and the greater horn-wearers."

(2) *"The opening scene of " The Fate of the Children of Tuireann " shows us King Nuadha of the Silver Arm lying sick in his palace. A pair of wandering herb doctors hear him groaning and say " Féach nach osnadh os cionn daoil?" "See now, is not that a groan on account of a beetle? "

(3) *After the robin had covered with leaves the tracks of blood from the feet of the Virgin in her flight with the infant Jesus, the darbh-dael (beetle) came along and removed them in order to betray the fugitives' course to their pursuers. Hence, traditionally, its persecution. He mentions instances of the occurrence of the word " dael " in Irish place-names, and the epithet " daeltenga," " dael-tongued," bestowed on a chief notorious for his bitterness of speech. (O'Curry In a note to " The Children of Uisnech ")

* Taken from "A Manx Scrapbook W.Walter Gill

The Scarab as Creator

Among shamanic societies, there are series of myths relating the creation of world to beetles. In some Indian tribes from the Chaco (South America), a big scarab named Aksak modeled man and woman from clay. Thus, the scarab, who shapes dung into balls, is identified as potter; an identification that we shall find again in Old Egypt (below).

Beetle Symbolism and the number 8 in modern media

Beetle Mania!

Here are a few examples of the beetle and the number 8, for further examples click on the following links......


(notice how the
beetle has horns)

For those interested in numerology - Dr Porsche received permission from Hitler to build the "Everyman" Beetle car in 22 June 1934!!

More recent Beetle worship

Ancient Beetle Cults and their members
"...before a crab was made the symbol for cancer, it was the scarab that symbolized the most northerly sign of the zodiac." Michael Tsarion

The United Nations Logo, possibly a corruption
of the Scarab beetle pushing Sun Disk depicting Northern Hemisphere (Cancer)

The Tarroo-Deylls?.....
The Stag Beetles....descendants of the Stag and

......A Manx Scrapbook

I have shown below a few examples of the huge amounts of people on the world stage, who use different versions of this ancient symbol through hand gestures.

Wikimedia Beetle style logo........

What are the origins of Beetle worship and why is there, what appears to be, a huge dung beetle pushing a ball(aerial view) a few meters from Tara Hill?

"The worship of the beetle was, however, far older than that of Ra in Egypt and it is pretty certain that the identification of Ra with the Beetle-God is only another example of the means adopted by the priests, who grafted new religious opinions and beliefs upon old ones."
Taken from........Gods of the Egyptians Part 1 E.A. Wallis Budge

"The Stag Beetle or Tarroo-Deyll - That the first part of the name in the Isle of Man should have taken the form of " tarroo " and be understood to mean " bull " is not surprising, for there is everywhere a persistent association in folk-lore of horned beasts with beetles.

King Nuadha of the Silver Arm lying sick in his palace. A pair of wandering herb doctors hear him groaning and say " Féach nach osnadh os cionn daoil?" "See now, is not that a groan on account of a beetle? "

The symbol of the Beetle and the number 8

"And behold, thou shalt make a scarab of green stone, with a rim of gold and this shall be placed in the heart of a man"..........wherein the deceased addresses the scarab as "my heart, my mother, my heart, my mother"
Book of the Dead..

"the site of tara was designed to fit the figure 8 or beetle imagery because it was astrologically related to the northern sign of cancer, once symbolized by the scarabeus."
Michael Tsarion Author of Astrotheology and Sidereal Mythology..

The Scarab......

Raith Na Senad (the Beetle), Tara Hill (the number 8) Co.Meath Ireland

Below is a picture of Raith na Senad, just a few meters from the beautiful Tara Hill Co. Meath (heart of) Ireland. This particular mound was severely disturbed and damaged inside, as well as, outside, by British Israelites at the turn of the century. Considering that the Manx word for Beetle is Tarroo-Deyll could this be the real Tara Hill or Tarroo Hill. Both the larger and smaller mounds appear to look remarkably similar to A Beetle pushing a disk. Raith Na Senad has sufferred more damage in recent times than any other monument at Tara hill and has recently become overgrown and unrecognisable, but the picture shows its' appearance before major damage. For further images click below(see pg 29).........

...and the number 8
Below is the Beautiful Tara Hill Co.Meath, The heart of Ireland, and shaped just like the number 8!

"No reptile has been so much abhorred or dreaded by the peasantry of Ireland, as it is popularly believed that it betrayed to the Jews the way the Lord went when they were in search of him."

After the robin had covered with leaves the tracks of blood from the feet of the Virgin in her flight with the infant Jesus, the darbh-dael (beetle) came along and removed them in order to betray the fugitives' course to their pursuers. Hence, traditionally, its persecution. He mentions instances of the occurrence of the word " dael " in Irish place-names, and the epithet " daeltenga," " dael-tongued," bestowed on a chief notorious for his bitterness of speech. (O'Curry In a note to " The Children of Uisnech ")

"In the next chamber to the King's Coffins they found a golden shrine. In one cartouche the glyphs read 'RE HPRW NEB' which means GOD OF ALL HEBREWS. RE is shown with the Sun Disk glyph, and NEB - a Bowl glyph - can mean either 'Lord' or 'All'. If it precedes the noun then it means 'Lord', but when it follows the noun as it does in this case then it means 'All'. The sign for the word HEPRW is a Scarab, or Beetle, and its meaning was 'Resurrection' or 'Coming Into Existence"

Hear how legends and rituals are carved into the landscape of Ireland in Andrew Powers, Ireland Land of the Pharaohs, interview.......

The destruction of an ancient civilization.
The true purpose and actual location of Noah's Ark.
An exodus to Egypt and return to Ireland.
The roots of Esoteric knowledge.
Hidden ritual and its public face as Catholic fought Protestant in the Battle of the Boyne
An atonishing analysis of the celestial arrangements in the sky over that battle.
The role of masonic, illuminati and other secret orders.
Their links to Houses of power and Royal bloodlines.
The House of Stuart, the House of Orange and the implications for Diana.
The origin of Fiat money.
Secrets of the Parasitical Elite.
And more.....


Listen to Interview..

Also, see the excellent work of MichaelTsarion, Irish Origins of Civilization......

Redice Creations Radio Interview.....

Michael Tsarion talks about the West to East Movement of the Elements of the Civilization, the connecting Land Bridges and the importance of History. Topics Discussed: Michael's Experiences in Ireland, Jim Fitzpatrick, Geomancy & Earth Energies, Ancient Hills and Monuments, Churches Positioned on Ancient Sites, Arthurian Legends (the Irish Version), Correlation between Egypt and Ireland, Egypt's Oldest Art Discovered: 15.000 Years Old, Parrot Feathers & Coca Leaves Found in Egypt, Hierakonpolis (Nekhen), Ireland - Past and Present, Lost Land Bridges of Britain and Scandinavia, Ulf Erlingsson, The Aryans & The Druids, Andrew Power, The Deluge, The Cataclysms, Sea Level Rising, The Storegga Tsunami Around 6100 BC, "Dogger Bank" or "Dogger Island", Tribes of Wizards, Builders of the Megalithic Sites, Why isn't the West to East Movement Recognized? Man-Made Bridge between India and Sri Lanka, Why is History Important? Personal "Immunity", The Evil of Rome, The War on Consciousness, "Aryan" Not a Racial Title, The Aquarian Age, The Age of Revealing and much, much more.
Listen here:


Irish Origins Of Civilization Books and DVDs


Radio Interviews.........

The Irish Origins of Civilization (Part One)

The Irish Origins of Civilization (Part Two)

The Irish Origins of Civilization (Part Three)

The Brilliant Conor Mac Dari, Irish Wisdom Preserved in the Bible and Pyramids........

Free e book

Beetle Worship and Shamanism

"So-called "pendants" in the shape of beetles are known from the late Paleolithic epoch (10,000 to 20,000 years ago). So much earlier than the Egyptian civilization, it is difficult to know the exact meaning these people attributed to beetle body ornaments. Some insight is gained in an observation of the habits displayed by "primitive" cultures of today. Ethnoentomological studies reveal beetles' significance due to their importance as a food source and their ability to fly. In primitive and traditional cultures, shamans (medicine men) play very important roles. They are men of power, who are able to address issues in both the terrestrial and celestial worlds. They are able to "fly" in the sky, (in dreams or trances) and descend to subterranean hells where they act as mediators between infernal powers and ordinary men. With these talents held in high esteem, beetles were observed to fly in the sky and dive into the ground. In addition to their palatability, it is plausible to consider the importance of beetle symbolism within shamanic cultures; their vivid colors and spectacular horns aiding in their use as ornaments."

Did Beetle worship influence Tribal face masks??

For further images click here....

MORE TO COME............................


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. excellent site, and spot on with the symbolism...before a crab was made the symbol for cancer, it was the scarab that symbolized the most northerly sign of the zodiac. This is the reason why the "Beatles" (originally "Silver Beatles") were given that name. They "opened" the new genre of teen music, as the sacred beetle "opens" the year or day, pushing the sun to the horizon.

  3. does not the mandelbrot set appear like a beetle of sorts? - wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set - a bit similar to the design of tara.

    the site of tara was designed to fit the figure 8 or beetle imagery because it was astrologically related to the northern sign of cancer, once symbolized by the scarabeus.

  4. Thanks MTsar - that's much appreciated the site is (obviously) heavily influenced by your work. As for the Mandelbrot - there's definatley some sort of resemblance especially when you see the whole of Tara in Ariel view with the 30 odd mounds and monuments. Thanks again.

  5. Aeriel view images of Tara can be found in the book Conor Newman Tara, An archeological survey
    Can be found on Amazon.
